Wednesday, September 26, 2012

And so it begins.....

I’ll spare you all the back-story on my office mate as you will start to know her well.  Let’s call her Ms. Too Much Information.  Today started when she rolled in at 11 (even though we are supposed to get here by 9). Immediately she loud whispered across the hall that “today is day 1 of my fertility treatment,” and squealed with excitement while she shook her fists.  I just looked at her and acknowledged her statement with a nod.  Apparently that wasn’t sufficient as I was in turn told, “you’re in a bitchy mood today.  I’m really excited.”  Nope, not bitchy, I just don’t care.
What I really wanted to say was:  You are attempting to get knocked-up by your boyfriend of 6 months.  I don’t agree with your decision so I would rather you spare me the details.  For you readers out there….this will be a common theme.
Happy Hump Day (no pun intended)

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