Wednesday, May 15, 2013

It’s All About Perspective

Hello Everyone!  Second blog for the week!  Yesterday was quiet (thankfully!), but today there are a few little gems to pass along.  Enjoy!

Morning report:

Ms. TMI was on the phone talking to her friend and accosting her about how she had enough money to do things.  In this case, I think the friend got new furniture.  The friend is being nice and breaking down how much her husband makes, how much they pay for day care, and how much they spend on x, y, or z.  I now know all of this information too because Ms. TMI repeated each line item back to her to confirm she was calculating correctly.  Ms. TMI is concerned that her friend is overspending and not paying off credit and she just cannot believe that they make enough to take on a $300/month payment.  After much discussion, Ms. TMI seemed to be ok, but skeptical, about the newly acquired debt of her friend.  Life is unfair, especially when her friend can afford to spend money on things that she can’t.  Hello green eyed monster!

I think most of this comes from the fact that she is swimming in debt with no end in sight.  She has 2 signature loans from the credit union, her home mortgage, a 401K loan, and credit card debt.  How do I know this?  Because she told me and gave me the details on amount owed for each!!!   She is convinced if Mr. STBBD had more take home pay they would be in a better position.  You see, “Really he just needs to be motivated to make more money.”  Mind you, she had all of this debt before she met Mr. STBBD.  Also, the company he works for is being evicted from their business space since they are 20K behind in rent!!!!  Eeeekkkkk. 

Update:  She just got off the phone with Mr. STBBD and agreed to buy him new motorcycle boots.  Is this perhaps contributing to her growing debt?

Afternoon Report:

I want to take a brief interlude to tell you about a conversation today with one of my less crazy coworkers, a first generation immigrant.  This isn’t necessarily an “oversharing” moment, but something I find to be so foreign to my thinking.  He has a 20 something daughter and has made comments to me in the past that his daughter needs to lose weight or focus more in school or spend more time with him when she is home on break from college, etc, etc.  Today I asked about how she was doing, he commented that he was “upset” with her because she decided to say an extra year after finishing her undergrad degree to get a Masters, which she explained would give her time to figure out which PhD program is best for her.  My coworker is convinced that she is just stalling so that she can “hang out and dance” for another year when what she should really be doing is getting a job and making money.  I feel that her father is being hyper critical of what I think is an excellent opportunity to get a masters degree in one year.  This is all personal choice, of course, but do you wanna know the kicker of this story.....his daughter is graduating with an honors degree in computer science from MIT!!!!!  I think she will be just fine in whatever she chooses to do!

That’s all for today folks!

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