Wednesday, October 3, 2012

They Do Exist

Not a lot to report on Ms. TMI today.  She came in at 2pm.  In the brief 5minutes that we saw each other, I learned that she was throwing up last night, has a nasty headache, and Mr. STBBD got in a car accident.  I guess that is a lot of info for 5 min.  I should probably also mention that she didn't tell me this, but was telling another office mate that was in her office.

I would like to share with you that not all of my co-workers are crazy and/or inappropriate.  Observe:

Yesterday when I was returning from lunch with my arms full of bags and poster board, I ran into 2 coworkers that were curious about my arm load of stuff.  During our conversation, one of the women touched my shoulder and I straightened up.  She has made it her personal mission to correct my posture.   I will be the first one to admit that I need help in this area and she and I have had conversations about this in the past, so no intrusion here at all.  The other woman chimed in with "You are such an amazing and beautiful girl.  Stand up straight and show it off."  If you know me, you will also know I'm not very good with compliments, but I assured her that I would do my best to to keep my shoulders back and my head up.  Not 5 minutes later, I got an email from the second woman:

Subject Line:  Sending an Apology
I'm sending an apology for publicly commenting on your posture today which is none of my business.  I don't know what caused this outburst though I think I'm turning into my dearly beloved Auntie H.  Your just so attractive and...
Anyway, I will keep my thoughts to myself in the future.
A totally unnecessary apology in my opinion, but I do appreciate the sentiment. That, my friends, is the unicorn of my office; someone with manners and professionalism.

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