Happy Monday everyone!
Ms. TMI isn't in yet (no surprise here), so let me take this time to share a few tales from last week.
Last Thursday, Ms. TMI was in the throws of fertility talk. She had just come back from getting some lab work done at her doctors office. They wanted to check her progesterone levels and adjust her fertility drugs accordingly. As she was telling me all of this, she suddenly doubles over and screeches "Ouch!". She then proceeds to tell me she is having pain on her lower left side, and then asks me "What side is the uterus on?" Ah hem...what?! Yes, friends, you heard that right. She asked me which side the uterus is on! Even though she demonstrated to me the miracle of fertilization previously in that oh so amazing video from baby center, she is still clueless when it comes to the female anatomy. I tried to keep my "are you kidding me" face hidden and quickly pulled up Google images to explain. We spent a little time talking about all of the different lady parts, where fertilization actually happens, and how you won't actually "feel" implantation (Ms. TMI was convinced her side twinge was the pain was implantation). Her response was priceless: "but my doctor says I have a tilted uterus, so doesn't that mean its over to one side?"
Fast forward to Thursday after work.
Ms. TMI decided she needed to start coming to the gym with me again. Her doctor informed her that its harder for obese women to get pregnant because the fat wraps itself around vital organs, including the ovaries, which may inhibit ovulation. About 10 minutes into the elliptical she says to me "Are you sure I should be doing this? Like.....nothings going to fall out? right?" I couldn't help but giggle and responded with "what exactly do you think is going to fall out?" She said "my egg. its not gonna fall out, is it? This thing [elliptical] makes me bounce." By this time my mouth is agape with shock. I thought she was just messing with me, but the look on her face said otherwise. I think that all of these internet videos and visual aids have led her to think that they are actual size, as in the egg she releases is the size of a marble as it appears on the screen... High school biology fail.
I'm not really sure what to do with her. Perhaps I should make my own work-inappropriate suggestion that she spend some time with a hand mirror and get to know her lady parts.
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